嚴嘉琪老師 Dr. Jia-Chyi Yan
美國印第安納大學IU Bloomington 課程與教學博士,現任國立臺中科技大學應用英語系教授,受邀擔任IUB國際訪問學者。曾獲選中區大學優良教師;籌備創立國立臺中科大語言中心,連續三年獲教育部提升外語計畫補助,從二級行政單位提升至一級教學單位。 曾擔任國際事務處國際長、語文學院副院長、系主任、語言中心主任、諮商輔導組組長、課務組組長等行政職務;創辦「英語義務輔導社」,服務足跡遍及國內外 (蘭嶼/澎湖/花蓮/南投/屏東-柬埔寨等),榮獲聯合報大專青年社會服務獎,青輔會全國大學教育志工第一名;受邀規劃執行「寶成國際集團」/「裕元教育基金會」百人英語夏令營;擔任救國團大專社團幹部研習營多屆(歲三社研)駐站輔導教授;榮獲國際扶輪社親善大使獎學金。 外加個人專業興趣:太極拳國家級教練、全國太極拳中正盃64式第二名、中華民國瑜伽協會師資認證、潛水證照等。研究興趣:課程設計、英語教學、質性研究、跨文化教育、服務學習等。自慢人生終極實踐:單車武嶺、泳渡日月潭、半馬越野/馬拉松、斷食瑜伽、12天禁語靜坐營、熟年媽媽之兩個可愛寶貝! 歡迎來到嚴嘉琪博士「琪言奇想」世界!
2024年12月5日 星期四
Dr. Jia-Chyi Yan (English)
2024年9月1日 星期日
- Ph.D., Indiana University Bloomington, Curriculum and Instruction
- (minor TESOL and Appllied Linguistics) USA
- M.Ed., Our Lady of the Lake University, TESOL, San Antonio Texas, USA
- B.A., National Chung-Hsing University, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Taichung Taiwan
- Professor, Dept. of Applied English, National Taichung University of Science and Techonology (NTCUST), Taichung Taiwan
- International Visiting Scholar of Indiana University Bloomington
- Reviewer for local and international academic journals (including SSCI)
- Project Host funded by the National Science Council
- Thesis advisor
- Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, National Chung Hsing University
- Adjunct Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Applied Foreign Languages, Chaoyang University of Technology
- "English Translation" Assistant Host, Education Program, Chinese Television System (CTS)
- Teaching Assistant (TA), Chinese Language Teaching Program, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Indiana University Bloomington
- Teaching Assistant (TA) for community projects, Department of Applied Linguistics and English Teaching, Indiana University Bloomington
- Founding member and executive secretary of the "Taiwanese Indigenous Association in America"
2024年7月3日 星期三
Projects and Activities
Projects & Activities
Records of All Activities in Winter and Summer Camps: Main Execution of the Ministry of Education's "Priority Education Areas" Project
1. 2021/01/25-2021/01/27: Changhua "Fangyuan E Together" English Winter Camp Resident Counseling Professor (44)
2. 2019/07/01-2019/07/06: Taichung "International Culture E Together" (Tai'an Elementary School) Yu Yuan English Camp Resident Counseling Professor (43)
(Organizer: Pao Cheng International Group / Yu Yuan Education Foundation) - Industry-University Cooperation Project
3. 2019/01/20-2019/01/25: Nantou "Caotun E Together" English Winter Camp Counseling Professor (self-funded) (42)
4. 2018/07/01-2018/07/06: Taichung "Tai'an E Together" Yu Yuan English Camp Resident Counseling Professor (41)
(Organizer: Pao Cheng International Group / Yu Yuan Education Foundation) - Industry-University Cooperation Project
5. 2018/01/28-2018/02/01: Miaoli "Touwu E Together" English Winter Camp Resident Counseling Professor (40)
6. 2017/07/03-2017/07/07: Nantou "Toushe E Together" English Summer Camp Resident Counseling Professor (39)
7. 2017/01/22-2017/01/26: Nantou "Puli E Together" English Winter Camp Resident Counseling Professor (38)
8. 2016/06/30-2016/07/08: Yunlin "Anding E Together" English Summer Camp Resident Counseling Professor (37)
9. 2016/01/27-2016/01/30: Changhua "Dongfang E Together" English Winter Camp Counseling Professor (36)
10. 2016/01: Hand in Hand English Winter Camp (Location - Leye Elementary School) - Liming Rotary Club (35)
2024年7月2日 星期二
研究 Research
2024 September: Wang, C. H., Yan, J. C., & Shiah, Y. J. 中西會通之道:本土社會科學與新儒家的共同志業 The Integration of Chinese Culture and the West: The Common Ambition of Indigenous Social Sciences and Contemporary Neo-Confucianism. 本土諮商心理學刊 Journal of Indigenous Counseling Psychology,,15(3),vi-vii。
2024 June: Wang, C. H., Yan, J. C., & Shiah, Y. J. : GPT4o 可能成為諮商師嗎?通訊心理諮商的實務、法律與倫理考量 Could GPT4o Potentially Become a Counselor? Practical, Legal, and Ethical Considertations for Telecounseling. 本土諮商心理學刊 Journal of Indigenous Counseling 15(2),vi-xxxvii。
2017:Investigating Foreign Language Teaching Strategies through Phenomenological Interviews and Deep Approach. 中科大學報暨教育特刊,第三卷第一期,pp.191-216.
2024年6月29日 星期六
Jia-Chyi's Bio
Ah, let's dive into the colorful odyssey of Dr. Yan, shall we? Picture this: a sun-kissed childhood in Pingtung City, with frequent escapes to grandma's seaside haven in Linbian Township. Our protagonist's educational marathon kicked off at the tender age of two – talk about an early start!
In primary school, young Yan earned the moniker "Little Dark One," not for any mysterious qualities, mind you, but thanks to Pingtung's relentless sun turning everyone into walking tans. Middle school brought a dash of rebellion when our hero, in a moment of chivalry, gave an ill classmate a bike ride home. The result? Ten whacks with a paddle and a crushed dream of being the school's model student. Oh, the price of kindness!
2024年6月22日 星期六
Short CV
Jia-Chyi Yan is a Professor at the Department of Applied English, National Taichung University of Science and Technology (NUTC). With extensive experiences in academia, she has served as the Dean of International Affairs, Associate Dean of Language College, Director of the Department of Applied English, and Director/Founder of Language Center at NUTC. Dr. Yan earned her doctoral degree (Ph.D.) from Indiana University Blooming, specializing in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus on Curriculum Studies and a minor in Applied Linguistics and TESOL.
Her research interests span a wide range of topics including curriculum design, English as a foreign language education, intercultural inquiry, qualitative research, and service learning. Dr. Yan's scholarly contributions are centered on exploring intercultural experiences, fostering intercultural competence, examining volunteer service learning, facilitating identity exploration, and investigating phenomenological education practices.Home
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Dr. Jia-Chyi Yan (English)
Dr. Jia-Chyi Yan holds a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from Indiana University Bloomington and serves as a professor in the Departmen...
Dr. Jia-Chyi Yan holds a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from Indiana University Bloomington and serves as a professor in the Departmen...
教育背景 美國 印第安納大學 (IU Bloomington) 課程與教學博士 主修:課程設計與教學 副修:應用語言學和英語教學 博士論文:負笈學子跨文化學習經驗之現象學研究
出生 在屏東市,童年記憶大多在林邊鄉下阿嬤家海邊度過。 幼稚園 ,愛黏著差一歲的大姊,2歲就上幼稚園,開始漫長的教育之旅。 國小 ,被稱為小黑.屏東太陽的熱情,誰也抵擋不住。 國中 ,因騎腳踏車,載一位身體不適的後段班同學回家,犯了校規,被打10大...