2018年5月18日 星期五

English Short CV

Jia-Chyi Yan is a Professor at the Department of Applied English, National Taichung
University of Science and Technology (NUTC). With extensive experience in academia, she has served as the Dean of International Affairs, Associate Dean of Language College, Director of the Department of Applied English, and Director of Language Center at NUTC. Dr. Yan earned her doctoral degree (Ph.D.) from Indiana University Blooming, specializing in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus on Curriculum Studies and a minor in Applied Linguistics and TESOL.

Her research interests span a wide range of topics including curriculum design, English as a foreign language education, intercultural inquiry, qualitative research, and service learning. Dr. Yan's scholarly contributions are centered on exploring intercultural experiences, fostering intercultural competence, examining volunteer service learning, facilitating identity exploration, and investigating phenomenological education practices.

20230916 棲蘭越野馬拉松25K

  【堅持/痛苦完賽】 去年年底參加「花蓮太魯閣國際馬拉松」路跑12K,是我人生第一次參加馬拉松,當下算是輕鬆完賽,立馬開心的跟福哥說,我覺得我可以來試試看半馬喔(不知道哪來的自信心爆棚XD)。去年他參加過棲蘭越野馬拉松25K,我說今年可以跟他一起去跑看看! 先說結果好了,雖然最...