2024年7月3日 星期三

Projects and Activities

Projects & Activities

Records of All Activities in Winter and Summer Camps: Main Execution of the Ministry of Education's "Priority Education Areas" Project

1. 2021/01/25-2021/01/27: Changhua "Fangyuan E Together" English Winter Camp Resident Counseling Professor (44)

2. 2019/07/01-2019/07/06: Taichung "International Culture E Together" (Tai'an Elementary School) Yu Yuan English Camp Resident Counseling Professor (43)

   (Organizer: Pao Cheng International Group / Yu Yuan Education Foundation) - Industry-University Cooperation Project

3. 2019/01/20-2019/01/25: Nantou "Caotun E Together" English Winter Camp Counseling Professor (self-funded) (42)

4. 2018/07/01-2018/07/06: Taichung "Tai'an E Together" Yu Yuan English Camp Resident Counseling Professor (41)

   (Organizer: Pao Cheng International Group / Yu Yuan Education Foundation) - Industry-University Cooperation Project

5. 2018/01/28-2018/02/01: Miaoli "Touwu E Together" English Winter Camp Resident Counseling Professor (40)

6. 2017/07/03-2017/07/07: Nantou "Toushe E Together" English Summer Camp Resident Counseling Professor (39)

7. 2017/01/22-2017/01/26: Nantou "Puli E Together" English Winter Camp Resident Counseling Professor (38)

8. 2016/06/30-2016/07/08: Yunlin "Anding E Together" English Summer Camp Resident Counseling Professor (37)

9. 2016/01/27-2016/01/30: Changhua "Dongfang E Together" English Winter Camp Counseling Professor (36)

10. 2016/01: Hand in Hand English Winter Camp (Location - Leye Elementary School) - Liming Rotary Club (35)

2024年7月2日 星期二

研究 Research

【Journal articles, conference papers, & book chapters; patents】

2024 September: Wang, C. H., Yan, J. C., & Shiah, Y. J. 中西會通之道:本土社會科學與新儒家的共同志業 The Integration of Chinese Culture and the West: The Common Ambition of Indigenous Social Sciences and Contemporary Neo-Confucianism. 
本土諮商心理學刊 Journal of Indigenous Counseling Psychology,15(3),vi-vii

2024 June: 
Wang, C. H., Yan, J. C., & Shiah, Y. J. : GPT4o 可能成為諮商師嗎?通訊心理諮商的實務、法律與倫理考量 Could GPT4o Potentially Become a Counselor? Practical, Legal, and Ethical Considertations for Telecounseling. 本土諮商心理學刊 Journal of Indigenous Counseling 15(2),vi-xxxvii。 

2022: From the Perspective of Phenomenological Bracketing to Explore Teacher-Student Conversational Encounters: Bracketing Dialogical Skill Analysis. Paper Presented at the Flipped Literature and Cross-Cultural Forum and the Eighth International Conference on Foreign Languages and Literature Teacher, Feng Chia University. 逢甲大學「翻轉、跨文化論壇暨第八屆逢甲大學外語問教學國際學術研討會」。

2022 Patent: 新型第M625290號:學生輔導對話系統 Student Counseling Dialogue System

2020 Patent: 新型第M609614號:教學用具 Teaching Apparatus

2017:Intercultural inquiry: English as a Foreign Language Educational Practice in Film Analysis, International Volunteer Service, and Autobiography. 英語教與學之跨文化探究:影片分析、國際志工、自傳研究。台北:書林(專書)。

2017:Investigating Foreign Language Teaching Strategies through Phenomenological Interviews and Deep Approach. 中科大學報暨教育特刊,第三卷第一期,pp.191-216.

Dr. Jia-Chyi Yan (English)

Dr. Jia-Chyi Yan holds a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from Indiana University Bloomington and serves as a professor in the Departmen...